Below you will find a specially curated list of recorded Educational Courses for the ECCO'23 Congress in Copenhagen. These Educational Courses are organised by Programme and Session.

21st IBD Intensive Course for Trainees

Introduction and case-based management of conventional IBD therapies

Case-based management of conventional IBD therapies

14th N-ECCO School

Diagnosis and assessment

Disease management

Multidisciplinary management in IBD

6th Advanced ECCO: EduCational COurse for Industry

Positioning of new treatments

New strategies - Combination therapy

9th Y-ECCO Basic Science Workshop

The bench-Basic Science

Bedside - Translation to the clinic

Blog - Disseminating your research

3rd ECCO Postgraduate Course in IBD

Prepare yourself with experts - Review of IBD complications

Case-based discussion with IBD experts

10th ECCO Ultrasound Workshop Advanced: in collaboration with ESGAR & IBUS

Assessment of IBD

IUS special situations

11th SciCom Workshop: Host-environmental interactions in IBD

Genetics and early live events load the gun...

...and the environment pulls the trigger

5th ECCO-AOCC Forum: East meets West

Differences and similarities east-west

Endoscopic challenges in IBD

10th P-ECCO Educational Course

The right therapy for the right patient, now and in the future

17th N-ECCO Network Meeting

Innovations in research and practice

Education and preparation for the clinical role of the IBD Nurse

Therapeutic advances in IBD

Living with IBD

12th S-ECCO IBD Masterclass: in collaboration with ESCP

Lessons learned - What do we know now that we did not know 10 years ago 

Defining outcome and measuring success 

Fistulising diseases

8th H-ECCO IBD Masterclass

Basics of IBD 

IBD pathology advanace - Beyond the bascis 

Interactive case-based session 

Future of IBD 

8th D-ECCO Workshop

There is more than EEN for Crohn's Disease 

Practical clinical advice for the iBD dietitian 

Psychological aspects of dietary management in IBD 

Last modified: Wednesday, 16 August 2023, 11:59 AM