ECCO Nurse IBD Curriculum
Section outline
The ECCO Nurse IBD Curriculum aims to create a structured e-Learning education programme for IBD Nurses by building on the original IBD Curriculum and adapting it for IBD nurses and connect it to the N-ECCO Consensus Statements.
It was developed by the Nurses of ECCO, in consultation with the e-Learning Taskforce.
The goal isto create a concise yet complete curriculum, outlining what IBD nurses need to know to develop expertise in the IBD field.
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ECCO Nurse IBD Curriculum
Advanced training in the diagnosis and management of inflammatory bowel diseaseFull content only available after log-in via the ECCO Portal
1. GENERAL UNDERSTANDING OF THE DISEASETo understand that patients with IBD need an awereness of the immediate and long-term physical, social and emotional impact of the disease, including patients´key concerns, and the effect of IBD on Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL)- 1.1.B. Understands that patients with IBD need an awareness of the immediate and long-term physical, social, and emotional impact of the disease, including patients´ key concerns, and the effect of IBD on HRQOL.
- 1.2.B. Understands that health maintenance is an integral part of routine preventative care for patients with IBD.
2. DIAGNOSISTo understand the basic knowledge of the diseases and the key diagnostic strategies and the main medical and surgical options available in the management of IBD3. ASSESSMENTTo understand the role of the IBD Nurse as an autonomous clinical expert in IBD who is responsible for the assessment and provision of evidence-based care planning and treatment evaluation- 3.1.B. Understands the management and delivery of biological treatment. The IBD Nurse will ensure that appropriate screening and identification of any contraindications to therapy have been undertaken and recorded.
- 3.2.A. Understands and can conduct regular patient reviews face to face, via telephone or electronically in order to monitor treatments, and arrange appropriate investigations as required, in accordance with local policy or guidance.
- 3.3.A. Understands that IBD Nursing assessment is both wide ranging and able to focus on specific areas of concern. The nurse may use biomarkers, imaging and physical assessment, including endoscopy.
4. IBD MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAM (MDT)To understand the key role of the IBD Nurse in the IBD MDT, where the IBD Nurse enhances patient care and experience, and providing efficient, holistic and accessible care- 4.1.B. Understands the importance of assessment and provision of evidence-based care planning and treatment evaluation in collaboration with the IBD MDT.
- 4.2.A. Understands the importance of providing practical information, education and emotional support for patients with IBD in collaboration with the IBD MDT.
- 4.3.A. Understands the role of the IBD Nurse including education, research, service development, and leadership.
- 4.4.A. Understands the key role of the IBD Nurse when caring for complex patients, and will be able to assess the patient’s care needs and refer them on, if needed.
5. SURGERY AND IBDTo understand the role of the IBD Nurse in supporting and educating the patient in the pre-, peri- and post-operative period6. TREATMENT OPTIONS AND INDIVIDUALISED CARETo understand the different treatment options available and be able to discuss them appropriately- 6.1.B. Has knowledge about the key diagnostic strategies and the main medical and surgical options available in the management of IBD.
- 6.2.B. Understands the role of the IBD Nurse in the management and delivery of biological therapy and understands the screening and identification of any contraindications to therapy.
- 6.3.A. Understands the importance of providing education to patients and their significant others based on individual needs, preferences and coping ability, when choosing treatment. Understands that nursing involves advocacy for all patients.
- 6.4.A. Understands the monitoring requirements, including interpretation of therapeutic drug monitoring to optimize therapy, switch treatment in loss of response side effects, and complications for specific therapies.
- 6.5.A. Understands the role of stopping medical therapies in IBD and the appropriate timing / patient population in whom drugs can be stopped.
7. SPECIAL SITUATIONSTo understand the role of the IBD Nurse in the management of special situations in IBD- 7.1.A. Understands the management regarding sexual function and sexuality.
- 7.2.A. Understands the problems associated with the management of IBD in patients who are travelling, and be a source of information, support and referral to relevant resources.
- 7.3.A. Understands the management of inflammatory bowel disease in the elderly.
- 7.4.A. Has knowledge to identify iron deficiency anaemia, and to facilitate iron supplementation in patients with IBD, monitoring both effects and side effects of treatment.
- 7.5.A. Understands the importance to identify problems associated with pouch function (including pouchitis and dysfunction) and quality of life, fertility and pregnancy, incontinence, and sexual issues.
- 7.6.A. Understands the importance of supporting the patient and providing education and information regarding the pouch and referring to appropriate members of the MDT.
- 7.7.A. Has knowledge about extraintestinal manifestations, can give information to the patient and refer them on, if needed.
8. ENDOSCOPY IN IBDTo understand the role of the IBD nurse in relation to endoscopy9. FISTULISING CROHN'S DISEASETo understand the role of the IBD Nurse in complex fistulising Crohn’s disease10. REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, PREGNANCY AND LACTATIONTo understand the meaning role of the IBD nurse in the effect of IBD during precounceling, pregnancy and lactation- 10.1.A. Understands the importance of providing early education to the patient concerning impact of IBD on fertility and family planning.
- 10.2.A. Understands the effect of active IBD, drug therapy, and surgery on fecundity, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.
- 10.3.A. Understands the importance of providing appropriate advice about the effect of disease, medical treatment and surgery on fecundity, pregnancy and lactation.
11. CO-MORBIDITY AND IBDTo understand the role of the IBD nurse in taking care of complex patients with IBD- 11.1.A. Understands the importance of comorbidities and history of previous malignancy in relation to IBD and possible treatment patient might require.
- 11.2.A. Understands the importance of assessing possible health risks of frailty of elderly patients with IBD regarding medication (polypharmacy), medical history, co-morbidity, bone density, incontinence, cognitive deficit and depression.
12. NUTRITIONTo understand the role of the IBD Nurse in the nutritional principles underlying IBD- 12.1.B. Has knowledge of the potential nutritional issues in patients with IBD in order to ensure these are appropriately identified and managed.
- 12.2.A. Has knowledge to provide ongoing support and education regarding nutrition, especially in specific situations such as stricturing disease, or following surgery.
13. PSYCHO-SOCIAL EFFECTS OF DISEASETo understand the immediate and long-term physical, social and emotional impact of the disease, including patients’ key concerns, and the effect of IBD on health-related quality of life (HRQOL)- 13.1.A. Understands the psychological impact of IBD, including anxiety, depression and distress.
- 13.2.A. Understands the importance to have an empathetic and active listening role and to provide essential IBD-related information and holistic support.
- 13.3.A. Understands the role of the IBD Nurse in facilitating communication between the MDT and the patient, enabling shared decision-making.
14. NON-INFLAMMATORY SYMPTOMS IN IBDTo understand the key role of the IBD Nurse concerning aetiology and treatment of non-inflammatory symptoms in IBD- 14.1.A. Has knowledge of the mechanisms by which IBD can cause fatigue and can identify, acknowledge and provide treatment and support.
- 14.2.A. Understands the mechanisms by which IBD can cause non-inflammatory pain and how this can be managed.
- 14.3.A. Is aware of the prevalence of IBS (functional symptoms) in IBD and how to manage them.
- 14.4.A. Is aware of the prevalence of incontinence in IBD and how to manage it.
15. PAEDIATRIC TO ADULT TRANSITIONTo understand the importance of the IBD nurse in dealing with problems of adolescents with IBD and transition to the adult IBD patient team- 15.1.B. Knows the differences in approach between paediatric and adult IBD management.
- 15.2.B. Knows the importance of maintaining adequate growth.
- 15.3.B. Knows the importance of minimising the adverse of effects of IBD on education.
- 15.4.A. Has awareness of the particular issues concerning IBD in adolescents and gives support in the management of practical problems in transition to adult care.
- 15.5.B. Has knowledge about the transition process and the role of the IBD Nurse.
16. NOVEL THERAPIESTo understand the importance of assessment and provision of evidence-based care planning and treatment evaluation and provision of practical information, and education and emotional support for patients with IBD- 16.1.A. Understands that the IBD Nurse practices within their own professional competency and accountability, supported by protocols or guidelines in collaboration with the MDT.
- 16.2.A. Understands that the IBD Nurse assesses understanding and, informed by current evidence, provides education to patients with IBD and their significant others based on individual needs, preferences and coping ability, aiming to empower the patient to live well with IBD.
- 16.3.B. Understands that the IBD Nurse needs to direct the patient towards trusted sources of educational materials.
- 16.4.A. Understands that the IBD Nurse, along with the IBD MDT, plays a key role in the development, introduction, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of electronic health technologies.
- 16.5.A. Understands the importance of nurse-led research in IBD is being undertaken, and IBD Nurse–led research is essential, and is an important aspect of the Advanced IBD Nurse role.